Here's the entry for Holistyx -
This directory is looking for information on other businesses - particularly Healthcare related or essential services such as dentists, opticians, therapists, funeral directors.
Do you know of any businesses who have measures in place such as HEPA filters and a masking policy? Or even just a window always open and workers who test if symptomatic and stay off work if testing positive? Tell them to get themselves listed!
Do you know of any businesses who have measures in place such as HEPA filters and a masking policy? Or even just a window always open and workers who test if symptomatic and stay off work if testing positive? Tell them to get themselves listed!
Find out what safety measures there are at Holistyx against Covid and other infectious diseases commonly in circulation such as flu, colds, RSV and norovirus at: Infection Control Policies and Procedures.
PS I have since discovered a Facebook group called CEV Safer Places UK for people who are clinically extremely vulnerable to Covid to find venues which are mindful of infection control, outdoor attractions, or venues with outdoor eating.
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