Friday, 22 June 2012

Celebrating One Hundred Facebook Followers with a Prize Draw

I recently got close to 100 likes on my Facebook page. I'd seen a while ago a few pages who had given a gift to their hundredth follower, and thought it was a good idea, but then had what I thought was an even better idea - a prize draw! Then all my followers would have an equal chance to win something, my longstanding supporters as well as the new ones.

I decided to offer:
First prize - 1 person will win an hour massage or Reflexology session of their choice FREE. Runners up - 2 people will win an hour session HALF PRICE.
  with 3 names selected at random from my local followers.

Well I publicised the fact I was going to do this which got me some new followers, which is great. Then when I got to one hundred, the prize draw, and 3 lucky and happy winners!

It felt good to celebrate my first 100 followers like this, I'll definitely do it again when I get to 200, and I think I might do something similar when I get to 150 even. :-)

If you'd like to sign up for more regular updates than I do here, including news, info on looking after yourself and increasing your health and wellbeing, and occasional special offers, go to and click 'like'.  :-)

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