Thursday, 20 February 2025
On a smartphone? How to navigate
Thursday, 11 April 2024
Safe Inside Directory
Do you know of any businesses who have measures in place such as HEPA filters and a masking policy? Or even just a window always open and workers who test if symptomatic and stay off work if testing positive? Tell them to get themselves listed!
Tuesday, 12 September 2023
What can Holistyx do for you?
Feel stressed out, tired, tense?
Stiffness, tightness, aches, pains?
Feeling low, anxious or not sleeping well?
Take time out to relax, unwind, and be more balanced and at ease.
Book in for a professional and effective treatment session with Ceri Turner, a caring and intuitive therapist with knowledge and skills from 15 years of experience in Massage, Aromatherapy and Reflexology.
Opt for Swedish / Holistic Massage, Stone Therapy (Hot and Cold Stone Massage), Aromatherapy Massage, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, or Pregnancy and Post-natal treatments.
Holistyx provides a comfortable, accessible therapy room in Central Lancaster with free parking.
Tuesday, 20 June 2023
Goodbye to ESTA - The Ethical Small Traders Association
With some sadness after 10 years of involvement, I have made the difficult decision to leave ESTA - the Ethical Small Traders Association - as I have not been able to participate in any ESTA events for some considerable time. Thank you to all the ESTA members who have supported and inspired me over the years, especially those in the 'Health and Wellbeing' sector - and I wish you and your businesses all the best for the future.
Thursday, 15 June 2023
Hot days - cold stones and cooling oils!
Cold Stones
- These can feel wonderful and be really beneficial:
- on painful muscles
- on injured, or inflamed areas, including arthritic joints
- on sensitive, irritable or hot skin
- on the face and neck to relieve congested sinuses or hayfever related inflammation
- on areas with sluggish lymph circulation eg tired, puffy legs
- for a menopausal woman having a hot flush
Cold stones are sometimes used as part of a Stone Therapy: Hot and Cold Stone Massage session. However through much of the year, most people prefer just the hot stones. But in this weather the cold stones come into their own!
Cooling Oils
I can also use essential oils which cool the body - either the full on menthol freshness and anti-inflammatory action of peppermint or something more subtle. This could be an uplifting citrus oil like lemon, orange, grapefruit, bergamot or petitgrain - as long as you aren't going to be in the sun afterwards - as be aware most citrus oils increase the risk of sunburn! Or lavender, geranium, chamomile, or eucalyptus are other great essential oils for cooling and calming. In terms of the base massage oil, coconut oil is the most cooling (and tips for at home - is also great as an after-sun treatment for your skin or your hair).
Peppermint is especially good for aching muscles, headaches, or itchy skin.
Lavender is perfect for sore skin (including sunburn, midge bites), stress, insomnia.
Geranium as a hormone and mood balancer is perfect for menopause, and also helps with sluggish lymph circulation.
Chamomile is a particularly potent anti-inflammatory.
Eucalyptus is great for clearing sinuses or a muggy head, and also for arthritic joints.
NB - If you are using essential oils at home - remember diffused oils can be toxic to pets, and oils for the skin should always be properly diluted. Water (eg putting them straight in your bath) doesn't dilute oil because oil and water don't mix! Ask me if you'd like to know more about using essential oils safely.
Friday, 1 April 2022
Professional Associations
I have allowed my membership of the BCMA to lapse, as I didn't see any benefit to membership. After having been a member of a professional association ever since I trained in 2008 (see Professional Associations Posts for previous posts on this topic), indeed for many years a heavily involved one volunteering my time, I have decided not to be a member of any. I do of course remain fully qualified and insured to practice.
Wednesday, 2 March 2022
Price Rise - from 6th April 2022
But recently I have had to re-evaluate, as not just business costs but the cost of living has also increased, and so I will be increasing my prices from 6th April, ie at the start of the next tax year. See the Prices and How to Book page for details.
Monday, 4 October 2021
Illness, Covid Risk, Pregnancy, Vaccination, New Meds... When Should I Cancel or Reschedule an Appointment?
Friday, 1 October 2021
Holistyx Massage, Aromatherapy, Reflexology in Lancaster: Appointments Available
Wednesday, 1 September 2021
Professional Associations: APNT Dissolved, still a BCMA Member
Unfortunately, the Professional Association I joined in March, the Association of Physical and Natural Therapists, because of their fantastic support for therapists during the pandemic, has been dissolved, as of 31st August 2021. While this was originally with the intention of starting a new organisation with a different structure, such as a Limited Company or Community Interest Company, very sadly for a respected organisation founded in 1986, financial irregularities discovered during this process have lead to a criminal investigation.
I do however remain a member of the BCMA - the British Complementary Medicine Association, which is a member of the General Council for Soft Tissue Therapies (GCMT), and a founder member of the Integrated Healthcare Collaborative (IHC), bringing together professional associations and stakeholders within complementary, traditional and natural healthcare.
(NB as referred to here I have now also left the BCMA since this blog post)