A Lancaster based support group for practitioners in the fields of Complementary and Holistic Health, Beauty and Sports Therapy was recently set up by myself and fellow therapist Isobel Hamid in association with the FHT (Federation of Holistic Therapists).
Monthly meetings on Mondays 7-9pm, will provide opportunities to hear talks, see demonstrations, network, and exchange information and ideas, and participate in various activities and events such as therapy swaps, training, and promotional events. The meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend. Fee: £5.00 for FHT members and £7.00 for non-members.
Our first meeting in January had a good turn out of 27 people, mostly therapists who had been informed about the new group by the FHT; and focused on giving information about our plans and ideas for the group, getting feedback and suggestions, and general networking. Feedback forms gave universally positive feedback, that the meeting was informative, interesting, and enjoyable and that people are looking forward to future talks, events, etc. I very much enjoyed meeting everyone and got one of the types of support I had hoped for by arranging some therapy swaps for both Massage and Reflexology. Fabulous!
Our second meeting in February had a demonstration by Isobel Hamid of Cupping. By using specially heated glass jars as an aid to massage, a vacuum is created to increase blood flow and movement of body fluids, stimulate muscles and enhance internal organ function.
Our March meeting will include a talk by Shelan Holden of Women's Aid.
A Facebook group has been set up
Here. Feel free to join, and share any bits of info or weblinks that you feel group members may be interested in, particularly if they are local.
Are you a therapist? - you are welcome to post a short intro about yourself and a link to your website if you wish (there is a shared document to which you may also add your weblink and which therapies you offer).
Be aware that this is an open group - everyone on Facebook can view the group and join. The group will appear in search results and all content (e.g., photos, videos and discussions) is visible to anyone viewing the group.
Let me know if you'd like me to add you to my email mailing list for info on future meetings. We have demos and talks in the pipeline on Women's Aid, Yoga, Alexander Technique, Acupuncture, plus plans for a Therapy Market (items for sale) and a Therapy Swap evening.
PS - For more information I have a page about the Group.